Life in Chicago Illinois is exciting. This city has a heartbeat like no other. State Street(where I work) , is a moveable feast of people and architecture(pardon my quoting Ernest Hemingway,but I felt compelled to do so). The summers paint a panoply of atmospherics that are serene and vivid.It gets hot in Chicago during the summer. The winters can be rather unforgiving. The temperatures can dip into the sub zero range easily,and often. The Canadian winds blowing in off the Great Lakes doesn’t help matters either. you need serious clothing to combat such freezer like conditions. It’s one of the reasons why I invest in fur coats. The practicality and comfort of a fur coat is a safeguard against a hostile,cold climate during Chicago winters. I recently purchased a Blackglama directional mink fur coat with hood from Marc Kaufman Furs. It is quite the stunner in terms of its design and overall look. It is warm beyond warm and stylish all at once. It is the win win that makes life in Chicago bearable during the winters here.